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Gunner's creative staff is a team of people who has spirit of pursuing the ultimate, we are not reconciled to make ordinary product and service although we know it is not easy.
It is clear to us that an extraordinarily enterprise is the one that dare to breakthrough,dare to innovate, and dare to stand by her dream.We believe that we can only survive with high-end product and service.
Gunner's chief engineer and production manager have been concentrating on CNC cutters and related software & controller for the past 2 decades, they know clearly theadvantages,disadvantages of different brands of CNC cutters as well as the requirements of users. Gunner’s CNC cutter, both software and hardware, are developed onthe basis of that knowledge and perspective to the future.
With Gunner's CNC cutter, you will find it is just convenient to operate and you can always count on it.
Unlike most of the suppliers in this field, Gunner own the source code of the controller/CNC, which will be easy for us to upgrade the system for future,and it will be easy to develop more features according to user's requirement.
Welcome to talk with us and welcome to feel GUNNER in person.

Shanghai Chiyan Digital Control Technology Co.,Ltd.
Add:First Floor Building 4 NO.1069 Jihe Road 201100 Minhang District ,Shanghai City China.Zip:201100Mail:[email protected]
Over-seas Sales Manager : Daniel Shang Mob:+8613855186557 Tel:+8621-62334252Fax:+8621-34553068